Sunday, August 20, 2017

Space bro aka Hugo the space bro 人気シリーズのアストロスペースヒーロー...主キャラクターヒューゴー、別名スペースブロー、いたずらロボットチャドウェルのスピン。 Amazonプライムでそれをキャッチ

Space bro aka Hugo the space bro
人気シリーズのアストロスペースヒーロー...主キャラクターヒューゴー、別名スペースブロー、いたずらロボットチャドウェルのスピン。 Amazonプライムでそれをキャッチ

Space Bro aka Hugo der Raum Bro

Space Bro aka Hugo der Raum Bro
Spin off der beliebten Serie Astro Raum Held ... Hauptfigur Hugo aka Raum Bro und der freche Roboter Chadwell. Fang es bei Amazon Prime

Space bro aka Hugo the space bro

Space bro aka Hugo the space bro

Spin off of the popular series Astro space hero...main character Hugo aka space bro and the naughty robot Chadwell.  Catch it on Amazon prime.

Saturday, August 5, 2017

Moon monster!

Moon monster! A weird Kenneth anger meets sci to z short is now available on Amazon prime in Japan and Germany.

Starring Lola Magdalene Scott and Todd Burrows

Click on the link for more Moon monster!

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Space bro season 2 on Amazon Prime

Space bro 2 is on amazon prime.  A spin off of webshow Astro Space Hero, Space Bro deals with the adventures of Hugo on the USS Neptune.

This season will have Dale Miller (The Wicked One) as General Meany.  Jason Crowe as the Velvet King and James Smith as Tickle Tongue.

 Click the link for information about season 2 of Space Bro      Space Bro Season 2 Amazon  

For more information on Astro Space on the link  Astro Space Hero 

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Kung Fu Wizard of Jesus films on Amazon

Kung Fu Wizard of Jesus films on Amazon
Jerry Williams's films about a Kung Fu Wizard of Jesus are on Amazon prime.  Fun crazy comedies with a little kung fu magic from Jesus!

Click on the pictures below to the films on Amazon.

Kung Wizard of Jesus films on Amazon 

Aliester Crowley and UFO connection explored in UFO prophet

Aliester Crowley and UFO connection explored in UFO prophet

Click on the picture below for amazon video link.

 UFO prophet on amazon

Aliester Crowley, infamous magician of the 20th century, had a strange connection to the world of UFOs, aliens, and channeling.  This is explored in a little film by writer/director Jerry Williams.  It is now available on Amazon prime.

Astro Space Hero on Amazon prime

Astro Space Hero on Amazon Prime

Science fiction comedy parody homage spoof with a little bit of fun at the old tropes of science fiction era of the 1950's.

All seven seasons are available.  Click on the link for Amazon prime link for each season of Astro Space Hero.  Astro Space Hero is a web series which is a spoof and homage to the Space Patrol era of science fiction.  Shot in and around Kentucky with a DIY take it or leave it flair, Astro Space Hero is gaining fans across the world.

Astro Space Hero season 1

Astro Space Hero season 2

Astro Space Hero season 3

Astro Space Hero season 4

Astro Space Hero season 5

Astro Space Hero season 6

Astro Space Hero season 7

Please share and leave a review.

For more information about the show, production, and feedback from Director /producer Jerry Williams  check out

Be sure to catch all the new episodes soon!

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Movies, cartoons, and magic with Jerry Williams

Hello, Andy Kirk here...I got to interview my friend Jerry Williams for world wide alien promos.  Jerry is telling me about what's going on with him.

What's going on with you right now.

I'm working on Astro Space Hero season 8 and Space Bro season 2.  I'm also trying to get back into horror.

Most folks don't realize my book SAUCER Sex magician is connected to you films.

 Saucer sex magician by Andy Kirk

It's an awesome connection to the Cthulhu monster of my film universe Trouser Snake.  Although I am still a DC comic fan...My films have an interconnected quality like the Marvel comic books of the 70's under Jim Shooter's watch... Astro space Hero is connected to this film and that film....this character is connected to this on and so forth.

Speaking of comics, what's this comic strip you're working on?

It's called Jarry's satellite... Definitely influenced by David Lynch's strip the world's angriest dog...The art panels never change but the words do...I came up with a concept an alien satellite looking over some nameless city and the words were done via William Burroughs cut up techniques.   I saw where David Bowie had dabbled with this technique, and wanted to use this for the comic strip.  I cut up a newspaper in one sentence randoms and then threw them up in the air to 'construct' the strip sequence.  I read once where Burroughs said if you fooled around with this technique you would unintentionally cut a hole into the future. Strange magic indeed.  I believe in magic and have been trying to connect my films and writing with some concepts I've heard comic book writers Alan Moore and Grant Morrison have done.

I had toyed with the idea of submitting to a couple of places, but figured I would release it on my blog.  I'm more into self releasing my films and writing anymore.

If people were interested in your stuff...Where would they go.

Check out or the blog Spandex and monster
Thanks all for your support.  Thanks for the interview Andy!

Not a problem....This is Andy Kirk for worldwide alien promos...I'm out! :)