Sunday, August 16, 2015

Santa Krampus on Amazon VOD and youtube

Santa Krampus on Amazon VOD and youtube

Santa Krampus by Jerry Williams

Santa Krampus by director Jerry Williams is now on Amazon Instant video on demand and on wormwood cinema youtube channel.  It is a weird horror film shot in Kentucky.  The director Jerry Williams is part of the lively independent filmmaker scene in the bluegrass state.

still from Santa Krampus by Jerry Williams

Ford Windstar meets horror in Santa Krampus

still from Santa Krampus by Jerry Williams

still from Santa Krampus by Jerry Williams

still from Santa Krampus by Jerry Williams

Download or rent on amazon instant video here

Santa Krampus (on amazon instant video)

My Weird Santa Claus mixed with horror film, Santa Krampus, is on Amazon instant video on demand and on the wormwood cinema youtube channel.

Santa Krampus on wormwood cinema (click link below)

Get in the holiday horror mood spirit with Santa Krampus.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Robots kiss as lovers

Robots kiss as lovers 
by Jerry Williams

The new fiction ebook by Jerry Williams (Monsters of the UFO), delves into science fiction genre made famous by Blade Runner.  The question of humanity in the sea of robots is brought up.

check it out here   Who is killing the perfect robot lovers? In the near future, robots and humans now experience love which has caused hatred and violence with anti robot groups called scrubbers that beat humans and kill robots for their racial transgressions. Private detective Nic Butts in thrust into this chaos with a new case that questions both himself and his past. The flower of robot human love is growing in a sea of blood, violence, and broken robot corpses. Can Nic solve his case, and find out who is killing the perfect lovers?   ROBOTS KISS AS LOVERS  


ווער איז מאָרד די גאנץ ראָבאָט ליבהאבערס ? אין דער לעבן צוקונפֿט , ראָובאַץ און יומאַנז איצט דערפאַרונג ליבע וואָס האט געפֿירט האַס און גוואַלד מיט אַנטי ראָבאָט גרופּעס גערופֿן סקראַבערז אַז שלאָגן יומאַנז און טייטן ראָובאַץ פֿאַר זייער ראַסיש טראַנזגרעשאַנז . שאַמעס ניק באַץ אין שטויס אין דעם כאַאָס מיט אַ נייַ פאַל אַז שאלות ביידע זיך און זיין פאַרבייַ . די בלום פון ראָבאָט מענטש ליבע איז גראָוינג אין אַ ים פון בלוט , גוואַלד , און איבערגעבליבענע ראָבאָט קאָרפּסאַז . קענען ניק סאָלווע זיין פאַל , און געפֿינען אויס וואס איז מאָרד די גאנץ ליבהאבערס ? ראָובאַץ קוש ווי ליבהאבערס
ver iz mord di gants robot libhabers ? in der lebn tsukunft , roubats aun iumanz itst derfarung libe vos hat gefirt has aun gvald mit anti robot grupes gerufn skraberz az shlogn iumanz aun teytn roubats far zeyer rasish tranzgreshanz . shames nik bats in shtoys in dem khaos mit a nay fal az shalus beyde zikh aun zeyn farbay . di blum fun robot mentsh libe iz grooyng in a im fun blut , gvald , aun ibergeblibene robot korpsaz . kenen nik solve zeyn fal , aun gefinen aoys vas iz mord di gants libhabers ? roubats kush vi libhabers